MJC has impressive infrastructure and an artistically designed hostel is located in the heart of the campus. It lodges about 300 girls. The large and well ventilated dormitories make for comfortable and collective living. Each child has his/her own individual bed space and a large shelf area to keep their clothes and other items of personal use. Mattresses, Bedspreads, Pillows, etc. are provided by the hostel. Promoting good health is key and thus cleanliness of foremost importance. Our Hostel takes care of every need of the students .

Facilities and Services provided in the Hostel
A TV unit set up in the main hall area is available to provide wholesome entertainment on weekends and on other special occasions.
Medical facilities
Health of the children is of utmost importance and they are adequately watched over in the hostel. Care is taken to ensure physical well-being of every child and regular health check-ups are conducted. A Hospital located in the vicinity provides medical assistance to the hostel inmates as needed.
MJC has a large hall, which is used for various purposes. It serves as a Dining Hall, Prayer Hall as well as a Performance Hall for various extra-curricular and co-curricular activities of MJC.
A Library and reading room with a wide variety collection of books and newspapers is accessible to the students.
Hostel Mess
The hostel mess caters to all the food and nutritional requirements of the students. The students are served a well-balanced diet. The menu for all meal sessions is changed regularly to provide variety and wholesome nourishment
A computer lab
A Computer lab with internet facility (under supervision) is also available for use.
The kitchen is well maintained to ensure high standards of hygiene. It is also well furnished with modern methods of cookery and contemporary cooking gadgets.
Telephone facility is available for incoming and outgoing calls
Sports Ground facilities
The campus has large sports ground where the students can play football, cricket etc.
All the services within the hostel are all manned and managed by the students themselves. Whether it is managing the library and the reading room, serving in the dining hall, maintaining the dietary kitchen, looking after the hostel garden, running the weekend entertainment presentations, cleaning the rooms or any other service, the girls are encouraged to voluntarily take up some responsibility as per their liking and interests. It serves to infuse in them the virtues of service, co-operation and dignity of labour, besides providing them invaluable work experience.